Danger, Will Robinson! You older folks know what that means. Younger folks should google it!
It’s like early in the 1st quarter of a football game but heads up for the possibility of a significant Winter Weather Event this weekend. We have known for several days that moisture will return this weekend. Today, the models have all started suggesting a Cold Wedge across east Alabama and much of Georgia. All of this could mean a significant Winter Weather Event late Saturday night into Sunday and, it could be a long duration event lasting 12 hours or more for some locations.
Slow Your Roll: Before you clear the shelves of milk and bread, Understand, the weather system which will provide the moisture this weekend is still way out in the pacific ocean near Hawaii. That’s 4,356 miles to be exact. Now, if you were planning a trip of that distance, would you expect things to happen along the way that would change your expected time of arrival and your condition once you arrive? The answer is YES! That’s a long way and many things can happen which could change this system completely before it gets here. Just a slight shift north or south of 50 miles can mean the difference of 6″ of snow or half-inch of rain.
Rain, Snow, or Ice? Good question and no one has the answer this far out. You’re going to see all types of computer models, and the Social Media “Weatherman Experts” will come out of the woodworks with their forecast telling you exactly what’s going to happen in your front yard 120 hours before the system gets here! Don’t pay much attached to the details this far out. Just know there is a possibility of a significant Winter Weather Event this weekend and be prepared.
I will have full coverage tomorrow morning on Dr. Don’s PrimeTime Forecast and may begin nightly Live Updates tomorrow evening if this is still a possibility by that time.